Game Settings:
The default settings specified in these rules can be changed, but only if an option is available in the challenge. Unless specified otherwise in the match details, these default rules will be followed.
The following settings apply to all GameBattles matches, regardless of the Game Mode.
Spectating: Disabled (Does not apply for Search and Destroy). Spectating is to be Enabled when a Staff Member is present to spectate the match.
Friendly Fire: Enabled
Forced Respawn: Enabled
Wave Spawn Delay: None
Respawn Delay: None (Does not apply to Sabotage, Capture the Flag, Domination, and Demolition)
Radar Always On: Challenge Option (When Hardcore Mode Enabled: Disabled)
Max Health: Normal (When Hardcore Mode Enabled: Miniscule)
Health Regeneration: Normal (When Hardcore Mode Enabled: None)
Kill Cam: Enabled (When Hardcore Mode Enabled: Disabled)
Headshots Only: Disabled
Third Person View: Challenge Option
Allow Perks: Challenge Option
Killstreak Rewards: Challenge Option
Number of Lives: Unlimited (Does not apply to Search and Destroy.)
Join in Progress: Not Allowed
Hardcore Mode: Challenge Option
The following settings are specific to each Game Mode, so please read them carefully before setting up the server.
Team Deathmatch
Points to Win: 5000
Round Timer: 10 Minutes
Search and Destroy
Round Length: 3 Minutes
Bomb Timer: 45 Seconds
Number of lives: 1 Life
Plant Time: 7.5 Seconds
Defuse Time: 7.5 Seconds
Multi Bomb: Disabled
Score Limit: 4 Points
Round Switch: Every Round
Spectator: Team Only
Time Limit: 10 Minutes
Score Limit: Unlimited
Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds
Time Limit: 3 Minutes
Round Switch: Every Round
Bomb Timer: 30 Seconds
Plant Time: 5 Seconds
Defuse Time: 5 Seconds
Extra Time: 2 Minutes
Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds
Kill Confirmed
Time Limit: 10 Minutes
Score Limit: 30 Points
If any of the above settings are incorrect, the hosting team forfeits that map. The team hosting is responsible to ensure all setting are correct prior to beginning any map. If the settings are incorrect, the map needs to end and the next map needs to be played. The team that was not hosting is responsible for obtaining valid proof to show that the hosting team did not have the settings correct. A ticket with valid proof must be submitted immediately after the match has been completed.
Banned Weapons:
All Launchers
All Shotguns
Machine Pistols
Riot Shield
Banned Lethals:
Bouncing Betty
Banned Tacticals:
Trophy System
Tactical Insertion
Portable Radar
Banned Attachments:
Heartbeat Sensor
Grenade Launcher
Rapid Fire
Banned Proficiencies:
Attachments (Double Attachments are not Allowed)
Banned Perks:
Blast Shield